What is our goal in the long run?
Impact of hope international is a nonprofit Christian ministry dedicated to serving the world’s neediest people. We provide the assistance needed to rebuild lives impacted by economic depression or religious persecution. First, we meet basic but critical needs for food, clothing, and shelter; then, we provide communities and their leaders with the educational resources and tools necessary for a new start. Impact of hope international’s leadership team, and the hundreds of volunteers who give so freely of their time and talent, pray that those we strive to help will recognize the love of Jesus Christ in all we do.
Our Vision
Impact of hope international envisions a world in which all men, women, and children have access to the most important tools for survival: food, clothing, and shelter. We believe in spreading the message and love of Jesus Christ through the combination of practical assistance and evangelism. We strive for a world where Christians have the right to gather in fellowship and faith without fear of religious persecution.